Hait Family Law


Planning for your family’s future? It’s smart to have a Will. Having one makes your wishes clear after your passing. And makes it a much easier, smoother process for your beneficiaries.

For many people, this simple Will is all you’ll need. No large expense. No attorney’s fees. You just fill it in and print it. When you add your signature(s) and those of two witnesses, it’s official.***

Who Needs a Single Will?

This Will is designed for you, a parent (single, married or in a civil partnership), who wishes to divide all your assets evenly between your children. If your spouse or partner already has a Will or their wishes differ from yours, the single Will is your best option.

Price: 1500nis

Who needs a Joint Will?

This Will is designed for a couple with children who wish to divide all their assets equally between the surviving spouse or partner and their children. (50% for the surviving spouse and 50% divided equally amongst the children.)  You get two identical Wills, one for each of you.

Price: 2,250nis

Written into the Will(s) are references for:

  • Taking care of funeral expenses
  • Paying off any debts
  • The equal division of your remaining assets and properties between your beneficiaries

Important  Note

While the will lists your assets in general terms (savings, deposits, provident funds, including deposits, savings, securities, jewelry, inheritances, all assets of any kind), you will not be able to list individual items or designate which beneficiary receives which item. If you are interested in something more detailed please contact us to inquire about writing a comprehensive Will.

When you purchase the appropriate Will for your needs, you’ll receive a PDF file along with detailed instructions for completing it. And customer support is available if you need it.

*** While it is optional and doesn’t affect the legality of your Will, we always advise you to personally register it in the Office of the Registrar. More details are available after purchasing the Will.

To order the Single / Joint will

Fill* out the form to be taken to our e-commerce store where you can order the will of your choice.

*Important note
Before filling out the form please note the following: Ordering the wills does not create an attorney-client relationship.Your submission is confidential and we won’t sell or trade it to any third parties.

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