Hait Family Law

Continuing Power of Attorney

Continuing Power of Attorney

Continuing Power of Attorney

Planning for the Future: Understanding the Continuing Power of Attorney in Israel.

At Hait Family Law, we frequently hear from people of all ages who are focused on planning for the future. From Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements to Wills, future planning is essential. This booklet offers an initial exploration of the Continuing Power of Attorney—its purpose, the key players involved, and the process of drafting and implementing it.

Many people in Israel mistakenly believe the Continuing Power of Attorney is the same as a “living will” or “advance healthcare directive” commonly used in Western countries. However, it goes far beyond these documents. When drafted correctly, a Continuing Power of Attorney addresses a wide range of needs, ensuring that your wishes are respected and implemented in multiple areas of your life.

The Continuing Power of Attorney isn’t just for the elderly. In today’s world, everyone should take steps now to ensure a secure and dignified future.

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