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Obtaining Information in Israeli Divorce Proceedings: Navigating the Discovery Process


When it comes to divorce proceedings in Israel, obtaining crucial information can be a challenging task compared to other countries. Unlike in jurisdictions where depositions, interrogatories, and requests for admissions are common, Israeli divorce cases follow a different approach. In this article, we will explore how individuals can gather vital information during and after a divorce lawsuit in Israel, shedding light on the unique discovery process and providing valuable tips for successful navigation.

Preparation is Key: In Israel, it is essential to start preparing for your divorce by conducting thorough research and gathering information even before filing the lawsuit. By doing your homework and familiarizing yourself with the specifics of your financial situation, assets, and other relevant details, you can be better equipped to tackle potential challenges during the proceedings.

The Role of a Private Investigator: Suspecting that your spouse is hiding assets or important information is a common concern in divorce cases. Engaging the services of a private investigator (PI) can prove invaluable in such situations. Time and again, it has been observed that when individuals have suspicions, they are often justified. While hiring a PI involves a cost, the potential financial gains or the peace of mind achieved can outweigh this expense. Uncovering hidden assets can significantly impact the outcome of the divorce settlement.

The Discovery Process in Israeli Divorce and Family Law: In Israel, the discovery process primarily takes place through the filing of the complaint and answer. Both parties involved in the divorce are required to complete forms that serve as case information sheets. When properly filled out, these forms should include or reference various documents shedding light on the case. This documentation typically covers information about expenses, assets, and other relevant aspects.

Leveraging Discrepancies and Court Motions: If you have diligently prepared and have a clear understanding of the expected answers to the questions posed in the forms, you can compare them with your spouse’s responses. If you suspect any discrepancies or dishonesty, you can take legal action. By making motions to the court, you can compel your spouse to produce the necessary documents to address the inconsistencies. In the event that your spouse fails to comply, you can request the court to issue orders to third parties, such as banks, partners, or accountants, to provide the information you seek.

The Power of Uncovering Hidden Assets: Proving to the Family or Rabbinic court judges that your spouse has concealed assets and lied to the court can significantly impact the outcome of the divorce settlement. If successful, the court may award you a more substantial share of the assets, which may not necessarily be an equal 50-50 division but will be within the boundaries of the law.

Navigating the discovery process in Israeli divorce proceedings requires a strategic and proactive approach. By conducting thorough preparation, hiring a private investigator when necessary, leveraging court motions, and uncovering hidden assets, individuals can increase their chances of obtaining vital information and achieving a favorable outcome in their divorce settlement. It is crucial to remember that the information provided in this article pertains specifically to the Israeli context and may not be universally applicable.

*Remember, you are not alone.  There are resources and support available to help you. Please reach out for help.

We are here to help and advise you.  Contact me at 0733743094 or jay.hait@orcheidin.co.il

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YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@JayHaitAdv 

and on my website: https://jayhaitlaw.com/

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