Hait Family Law Representation with Compassion and Support

The Significance of Continuous Powers of Attorney for All Ages

Estate Planning

In your life-long pursuit of independence, you relish the liberty to choose your residence, occupation, and oversee your financial and healthcare matters. However, when faced with obstacles hindering decision-making, the importance of Continuous Powers of Attorney (POA) becomes apparent.

Recent unexpected events emphasize the necessity of making thoughtful decisions and planning for the future. In our Family Law office, as attorneys, we understand the value of Continuing POAs, having witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by loved ones in healthcare, finances, and legal affairs. Recent inquiries to our Family Law office too and increased interest in planning for unpredictable future events have reinforced the idea that everyone, irrespective of age, should consider having a well-thought-out and legally documented Continuing POA.

Continuous Powers of Attorney (POA) function as a legal instrument enabling proactive planning for the future, ensuring the preservation of our wishes. This authority is granted to trusted individuals when mental incapacity or other challenges impede your independent decision-making. The establishment of this impactful tool resulted from a 2016 legal amendment.

The initiation of this legal mechanism recognizes your ongoing capacity to make decisions while mentally sound. It empowers trusted individuals to act on your behalf in challenging decision-making scenarios. The agreement associated with Continuous Powers of Attorney enables you to designate decision-makers, ensuring the honor and respect of your desires.

Recent and current events emphasize the need to address future concerns, not solely for the elderly’s living arrangements and healthcare needs but also for younger individuals. Guided by expert legal advice, thoughtful deliberation should lead to documents specifying those managing your financial, health, and personal affairs—be it your spouse, children, siblings, parents or significant other. Encouraging cooperative thinking enables informed decisions beyond age considerations, empowering you to maintain control and ensure your wishes are honored. Without clear instructions, loved ones may encounter bureaucratic obstacles, legal disputes, and disagreements. A Continuing Power of Attorney (POA) ensures you retain command, aligning decisions with your deeply held values. 

Please contact our office for further information regarding how to plan for your future by establishing a comprehensive Continuous Power Of Attorney, with which you can plan ahead, communicate your preferences, and ensure your desires are honored.

*Remember, you are not alone.  There are resources and support available to help you. Please reach out for help.

We are here to help and advise you.  Contact me Jay Hait Family Lawyer at 0733743094 or jay.hait@orcheidin.co.il 

Find out more on my

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@JayHaitAdv   

and on my website: https://jayhaitlaw.com/ 

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